Do you know how much impact the loss of employee knowledge has on your organization when you have planned or unexpected employee turnover or vacancies and what it is costing you?


Are your sales & marketing teams as aligned and effective as they should be? Do you know what’s working and what isn’t with regards to the information, knowledge and collateral they provide? How much time do your people waste searching for what they need and how much does that cost?


Compendian® helps organizations identify, capture, retain and capitalize on their critical knowledge assets to solve these problems.

Here’s the Business Problem

Companies invest tens of millions of dollars to develop knowledge and will say that the success of their business depends on the knowledge and skills of their people, but most have no formal practice in place to identify and capture those knowledge assets before they are lost.

A knowledge drain is occurring, while knowledge management is lacking.


of executives say that knowledge and/or information loss as employees left was important


of employers say they lose specialized knowledge and expertise faster than they gain it.


of companies have formal practices to stop the knowledge drain in their organizations.

32 %

of companies lack any formal knowledge management systems and/or processes to identify, capture, manage and share critical data, documents and information.

Here’s the Sales Problem

When Sales & Marketing don’t capture and leverage the knowledge assets they have, so they can be found quickly, they are faced with these challenges:


Top Challenges to Sales Execution


Of pipeline is stuck in “no decision” because value has not been effectively communicated.

Didn’t present value


Of selling content is never used in selling because sales can’t find the right resources.

= Can’t find resources


Of sales reps’ time is spent not selling when they’re busy with other tasks or searching for content.

= Less time selling

88 %

Of opportunities missed when sales can’t leverage internal resources.

Wasted time = missed opportunities


Here’s Manufacturing’s Problem

Every month more than a quarter million Americans turn 65 and head towards retirement – these are the most experienced employees in the organization and they’re taking irreplaceable, tribal knowledge with them. Saving this knowledge will be essential to avoiding large expertise gaps.


 Aging Workforce

How Can Compendian® Help Solve This Problem?

Knowledge processes

Whether it is for general business, manufacturing, sales or marketing, we can help:

  1. We meet with key decision makers to get agreement on the problem and the need to solve it.

  2. Identify the people within that organization who will be involved with implementing the solution.

  3. Work with everyone to:

    • Identify – what is important and critical and who and what needs to be captured.

    • Capture – that tacit/tribal knowledge and expertise from those people, as well as any drawing, instructions, manuals, processes, procedures, competitive information, etc.

    • Catalog – that knowledge and information in Compendian’s® knowledge repository CollaboRate™, so that is can be found logically, quickly and easily when needed.

    • Deploy – Using CollaboRate™ your employees will be able to search for and access the content and knowledge assets they need, right when they need it, quickly and easily.

    • Measure –  Monitor and measure the ease and usefulness of the content provided, to make sure that it provides the right type of knowledge assets that both protect and provide the knowledge that is needed to help people ramp up and learn new jobs and tasks faster, solve problems quicker and become more efficient and productive in their jobs.

If the loss of, or the inability to quickly find and access your mission critical knowledge, information or assets, is affecting your organization and you would like to get a free assessment of what kind of impact this is having and what can be done to fix it, then please contact us so we can schedule some time to meet with you.

Contact Compendian® Now

to learn how we can help you Transform Your Business and attain your goals

Contact Compendian® Now!
Created with over 35 years of sales, marketing and product management experience CollaboRate™ provides greater collaboration and alignment between sales and marketing organizations.

Improving sales effectiveness is not just a sales function issue; it’s a company issue, as it requires deep collaboration between sales and marketing to understand what’s working and not working, and continuous improvement of the knowledge, messages, skills, and strategies that sales people apply as they work sales opportunities.

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