How Sales Managers benefit from using CollaboRate™
As the head of Sales for my company, it is my responsibility to see that my department reaches the financial goals that have been set for it. I not only have to manage the existing sales force, but I also need to manage the turnover that affects my department and get new hires ramped up faster.
So, I need to make sure that my people have the tools they need to be as effective and productive as they can be. I see CollaboRate™ providing three important solutions for me and my department:
1. Greater Insight:
CollaboRate™ helps me tremendously by providing the type of insight that I don’t get from any other source. CollaboRate™ allows me to see what collateral each of my sales people access. This allows me to know what is working and what isn’t, so we can take what is working for our best sales people and coach our other people to be more effective. I am able to track each user by the number of times they have used the product and specifically which content they have accessed. This allows me to have a more meaningful conversation with each sales person to talk about what they use, why they use it and how it helps them sell more effectively.
I can even see which of my people are team players and which ones are leaders and influencers, by seeing which ones participate in the rating of content, offer suggestions and make contributions. Trust me, those people who step up and rate content and make contributions quickly get recognized by their colleagues as “leaders” and “influencers”; which can get them a social following from within their own sales teams.
Before we implemented CollaboRate™ I had no way of knowing whether the content that Marketing had created for us was of value to my people. Since CollaboRate™ gives our sales people a platform in which they can rate and make suggestions on that content; I now have the information I need to go back to Marketing and make sure our sales people get what they need. I can now verify what’s working and what isn’t and can hold Marketing more accountable for what they provide.
The Win/Loss module in CollaboRate™ really provides me with insight into why we are winning or losing the opportunities that are important to us. Since they go into more detail than I get from our CRM, I am able to spot trends that may affect our business in the future and take action ahead of time to address them. Before we implemented CollaboRate™, we didn’t have a structured approach to logging in our wins, losses or no decisions. Now we do, and it forces our people to be more detailed and consistent when capturing and providing this information.
2. Increased Sales Productivity:
Before we implemented CollaboRate™, our people wasted as much as 7 hours a week searching for information that was somewhere within our own organization. I thought that when we installed SharePoint, we would have solved that problem, but it seems that we only added to it. CollaboRate™ not only added order to our chaos, but since it is integrated with our SharePoint application, it made finding whatever people were looking for much faster and easier.
Also, before we implemented CollaboRate™, our people spent way too much of their time rewriting marketing collateral. This not only took away the valuable time they should have used to spend on selling, it also created inconsistent messaging. CollaboRate™ gave our sales people the ability to rate and comment on the quality and usefulness of the collateral that they were given to use. This made both Sales and Marketing more accountable and allowed them to use that feedback to make their content more effective. This dramatically reduced the amount of time people wasted rewriting collateral and provided greater consistency of what was being presented.
CollaboRate™ allows our sales people to tag content the way they search for it, and this has increased their productivity by as much as 9%. According to research done by Oracle CRM, they found that if you increase productivity by just 3%, it would yield 10% more revenue, at $0 cost! Since in our business “Time is Money”, the more time we can save our people, the more time they can spend on selling and the more money we will make.
Since CollaboRate™ is like an on-line digital encyclopedia of all of the information, knowledge and experiences of our organization, market, competition and solutions; this gives our new hires what they need in order to ramp up faster. With CollaboRate™ our new hires can hit the street and start generating revenue faster with less one-on-one management supervision and time. For every day that our new hires ramp up faster, it means a reduction in their cost to us, and to our overhead, which drops right to the bottom line.
CollaboRate™ also integrated with our CRM, which allows our people to pull in information from CollaboRate™ while they are in This has made them more effective and productive.
2. Increased Effectiveness:
Getting our sales people to be more effective was a real challenge until we implemented CollaboRate™. CollaboRate™ allows our people to work together to solve common problems, achieve goals and improve performance, through the sharing and rating of their knowledge, experience and skills. CollaboRate™ allows our people to access “Subject Matter Experts” within our organization to help them when they need it. By tapping into the collective and “Tribal Knowledge” within our organization, our people have measurably improved their sales and presentation skills. Since we have provided a platform for our people to share their knowledge and experiences, we have seen a greater increase in the whole concept of teamwork and helping one another, which has resulted in greater quota attainment and fewer lost opportunities.
Because CollaboRate™ allows our people to rate the content that we provide them, it has helped us weed out any content that was of little or no value and replace it with more effective messaging, which helps us close more opportunities.
Before we implemented CollaboRate™, we wasted a great deal of money bringing in our people for in-house training, whether it was for a new product launch or sales training. We found that the knowledge that they gained in those few days dropped off dramatically in just a short time if they didn’t use it. CollaboRate™ gave us a platform in which we could store all of our training content, so people could access it when they needed it, in the way they needed it. CollaboRate™ allows us to store any type of file, whether it is an audio, video, PowerPoint, Excel, or whatever. So our people can access it any time they need it, and since CollaboRate™ runs on mobile devices like iPads or iPhones, our people can access it from anywhere. This has made our people much more effective and productive and has reduced the amount of money that we used to spend on bringing our people in-house for training.
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