Company Wide Benefits

The benefits of storing your company documents, IP and Tribal Knowledge within Collaborate are numerous and far reaching.

We hope the scenarios below provide you with insight into how various roles within an organization can benefit hugely from our unique software.

Senior Exec/Business Owner

Senior executives are under more scrutiny than ever to protect their corporate IP,  increase the effectiveness, productivity and alignment of their organizations and produce top-line revenue, while keeping costs under control. C-level executives need tools to help them accomplish this and provide a better insight into what is working and what isn’t throughout their organization. They need a tool that helps deliver greater accountability and CollaboRate™ does all that and more. Find out more.

Sales Manager

Today’s tight and competitive economy Sales Managers are under the gun to produce more with less. This pressure requires Sales Managers to find better ways and tools to help them get greater insight into what’s working and what isn’t. They also need to help their sales people create and deliver more effective value messaging to drive greater top line growth. Find out how CollaboRate™ delivers this.

Marketing Manager

CollaboRate™ has been designed specifically to improve communication, understanding and alignment between sales and marketing. It can instantly identify which pieces of collateral/content have been used most effectively by the sales force to win business.  Marketing teams can utilize CollaboRate’s™analysis tools to develop a deeper understanding of their clients’ and prospects’ most pressing needs and challenges, leading to more targeted and effective advertising and sales campaigns.  Find out More.

Sales Person

In today’s competitive market, sales people are challenged to produce more and more and can struggle to meet their sales objectives. Buyers are more sophisticated and our sales people really need to understand their market place in order to win business over the competition.  CollaboRate™ provides sales people with the information they need, right when they need it, to sell more effectively. Find out how.

Channel Manager

Since Channel Partners often represent many different suppliers, it is imperative that they are given the same level of access to a company’s sales and marketing-related information, knowledge and content as its in-house sales team. CollaboRate™ will help these “external” sales professionals ramp up faster and more effectively retain the product information they received during their initial product training and inductions. Thereby, maximizing their opportunities to be successful. In addition, Channel Partners will also have the same opportunity to provide insight and feedback on the quality of collateral materials, and they can also document their sales experiences. Find out more.

Product Manager

One of the main reasons why some 75 percent of new product launches fail is because the company created the wrong product or service for the wrong market. Another key reason, is the failure to develop the correct go-to-market strategy and training. Product managers need to fully understand the true value proposition of their products and communicate that in product sheets, summaries and technical material that meets the needs of their sales people and the prospect. Using CollaboRate™, Product Managers are able to develop a deeper understanding of the needs of the market and, in turn, better selling products.

  • Ability to deliver segmented or customized product information to direct sales staff, indirect sales staff and customers.
  • Accessing anecdotal feedback from sales staff and prospects facilitates a deeper understanding of the company or products’ true value proposition.
  • Create more targeted and relevant product guides and sales training materials.

Find out more.

To view a demo or discuss how CollaboRate™ could work for you, please contact us
Tel:  +1 770 904 6096