How Channel Managers benefit from using CollaboRate™
As the head of our Channel Partner and Reseller group, I have a number of things that I have to compete with. Not only do I have to compete for my reseller’s time and attention, I also have competitors to contend with and sometimes even my own sales team.
Part of making a reseller and channel partner program a success is winning their confidence and making them feel like they are an integral part of the whole organization, which they are.
Before we implemented Compendian’s® CollaboRate™ solution, we attempted to give them access to information via a Wiki portal from our website. This proved to add more distance between us and them. We had no way of knowing what they were accessing or how valuable what they accessed was. In many ways we experienced the same problems our own direct sales organization experienced. Worst of all, I had to rely on our IT department to keep it updated, which wasn’t a top priority for them!
Many of our resellers and partners felt like orphan children and even competitors, which made it difficult for us to gain their confidence and allegiance. They often felt left out of the important information that was being provided to our direct teams, so we had to change the way we were supporting them, to make them feel more connected. Here are some of the issues we overcame when we implemented CollaboRate™:
- Greater ease of access to sales materials and content enabled our Channel Partners to keep our company/products at the front of their mind when working with clients.
- Access to key information around good referencable customers, competitive insights and win/loss information gives our Channel Partners the detailed information they need to sell our company’s products more effectively.
- Provides an effective way to ramp-up new Channel Partners faster and with greater success, while giving the Channel Manger greater insight into their comments and suggestions for what they need most, to be successful with our products.
- Being part of the team. Since CollaboRate™ actually allows them to rate, tag and make suggestions on all of the collateral, information and content we provide, it has made them all feel more aligned with us and they have given us some great input and feedback on what we are doing. Also since they often are calling on different markets and customer types, they have a unique insight that is now shared with both our direct and channel people.
- CollaboRate™ allows them to have a more structured approach to selling our products because they have access to the same sales training collateral that our direct people have. This has measurably increased their effectiveness and loyalty to us.
Make no mistake about it, Compendian’s® CollaboRate™ has improved our relationships, effectiveness and productivity among all of our Channel Partners and Resellers and has made my life easier, and I didn’t have to involve our IT department in any way.
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